Time to fiesta

My brother is being a doll and taking me to my computer store tomorrow morning to have my comp looked at. The clock in the lower right-hand corner lags slower and slower each day, even when I update it the night before. I haven't touched it in a while, and it's now 2 hours behind. I don't know much about computers, but I don't think this clock thing has anything to do with my software. Might as well take advantage of the computer's warranty before it expires.

That means I won't be online or blogging for at least this whole weekend and possibly into the week, depending on when I get my computer back. I suppose that isn't such a big deal considering I have not been doing the daily blogging bit for a while. (Summer, what can I say?) But for those of you who are going to be here in Calgary this weekend I offer these suggestions for some fun.

  • Expo Latino is once again upon us and for the first time ever I had enough foresight to book this Saturday off so I could explore the festival thouroughly and at my own pace. Finally! Anybody up for joining me for some empanadas, maybe some cerveza (maybe) and shimmying a bit of salsa out at Olympic Plaza? Vamonos, amigos!

  • I was debating whether to book off the whole weekend, and from the looks of it I suppose I should have done so. Another festival occurring this weekend is our first ever annual international fireworks competition and One-World festival. In addition to the nightly musical fireworks displays from competing American, Canadian, and Mexican teams (next year I hear that China and Japan will be amongst those joining in the competition...and in Vancouver while I was there China won that competition so it will be great to see next year!) there will also be pavilions showcasing the Metis, Franco-Canadian, Mexican, German, African, Indian, Asian, Irish, and Middle Eastern cultures. (Whoo, look at all that going on in Calgary this weekend, it's like travelling the world with pocket change and all within one city!) The fireworks competition has its finale Saturday night.

  • And if you are not feeling culturally adventurous this weekend, at least support our local beef industry. Heads up from my baby brother, the McManager, all McDonalds (in Calgary, at least...perhaps it's nationwide?) are offering two burgers for the price of one this Friday. Beef. So eat beef, you can't get a McChicken or Filet of Fish for the same deal. And if you can't eat two burgers ('cuz that is a lot) or have noone to split with for lunch/dinner do not fret! You don't have to claim your free burger that day as it is a voucher for a free burger anytime.

Hope everyone has a terrific weekend. The sun is starting to set earlier and you all know what that means. Enjoy the summer while it's here!
