Go shawty, it's your birthday!

I mentioned to Desiree how, during that Blogger blip where everyone's blogs disappeared Saturday morning, I would have been devastated to lose all the writing I had done. I mean, it's almost been a year!

And then I checked into my archives and, by golly, today my blog is a year old! My how time just breezes by.

So I thought I'd give the blog a new look, you know, kind of like anniversary issue sort of thing. I'm still a cut and paste sort of girl when it comes to page design but I think it turned out pretty well. What do you guys think? Only thing I can't figure out is why the unvisited links aren't red as I specified. They're blue! Grrrrr. Not only that, but there isn't a need to scroll left and right and yet I've got a scrollbar down there that lets you do just that, even though there is nothing further to see past the sidebar. Ah well, I think I did a fairly good job regardless.
