Calling all heroes

First off, Phenoms won this Sunday. Like there was any doubt! Unfortunately, NE Express is still undefeated. Dang them.

Weird Kid brought me and baby sis along to his company activity of the month. In true Halloween spirit they decided to check out the latest Project X entitled The Asylum. For all you non-Calgarians, Project X creates a "haunted house" every year. Each one supposedly scarier than the next. (Weird Kid spoke with one of the "bloody mad scientists" while he was waiting for us outside the bathrooms. If these guys get their ideas to work next year is going to horrifying. There'll be hearse rides -- think: hay rides -- and little picture shows that you watch from within a coffin as you lay there. Nooooooo thank you.)

I think the spooky/scariness is the worst part of Halloween. What's wrong with just having it as an occasion to transform yourself into something you've always wanted to be? What's wrong with just living the fantasy and not conjuring up the phantasm?

For the record, I really truly hate haunted houses. Always have, always will. I've never enjoyed them at the Stampede or anywhere they abound. Before tonight I've been successful in avoiding the Project X houses...I don't want to ever go through that again. Yes, I'm a little baby, I know. Sure it's all in the name of fun and stupidity...but my poor little heart and nerves can't take it.

And what was worse was the fact that baby sis was with us. I don't think I did much to reassure her seeing as I was possibly screaming more than her. :) There was one point where I shielded her and told the spook, rather shakily, to stay away from her. All I can say is thank goodness Weird Kid was with us. He was the only one who treated the house as a joke. My only complaint was that he was too brave for me and our sister's liking. He actually wanted to take it slow and look around.

Needless to say this was met with much pleading on my part: "Why are you stopping? Nooooo, go go GO! Don't look! Aaaaugh *cry of anguish* Keep moving! GO! Don't stop! Why are you stopping??? Nooooo!"

Sure, he can laugh at me....but he wasn't the one who frequently had ghouls breathing down her neck, knocking the walls at random to freak me out.

One creep practically killed me via heart attack while he was lurking behind me. Keeping a tight hold on my little sister's hand, I turned to her to ask her if she was doing alright. Little did I know that the "evil goblin" that had been stalking me during that part of the tour had inched his terrifying mug in between my sister and I. Yeah, I proved my lungs were in fine form at that point.

I'm soooo grateful for the rule (given by the FBI agent, no less) of "You don't touch anything and nothing will touch you." I highly doubt my heart could've taken someone grabbing hold of my shoulder or anything like the instinct to kick them away would have been irresistible. Weird Kid told us a story of how last year one of the "actors" had grabbed one of his coworkers. In a panic she shirked him away, only to fall over some of the props. VERY thankful that new rule is in play.

Fighting the instinct to run (or maybe not even instinct but just common sense? Some halls were horribly dark and my night vision is horrible.) it wasn't until the very end when the guy with the chainsaw chases you out that my sister bolted away from us. I must admit, even I was trotting down that ramp faster and faster away from the chainsaw man's even and steady paces.

Never, never, NEVER again.
