I'll have a shot of watermelon tequila...and some drama to chase it down, thanks.

Senor Carlos has got to be one of my favorite restaurants in the city. Alright, I have a lot of "favorite restaurants" -- most I can't take the whole crew to since everyone's tastes are so diverse -- but Senor Carlos is definitely up there. It has become Posie's favorite, too. They must have had a serious hiring binge in the past little while (we haven't gone since May) 'cuz now we know 3 people who work there. 2 of them are new. Not sure what to think of that.

First one, we'll call him Scrub (yes, very old terminology), is the textbook definition of a deadbeat dad. Moreover, his deadbeatdad-ness is of personal importance to our family circle. Anyway, one of us believes that he owes us free food. The other, knowing that he knows she does not hold him in very high regard, is concerned he'll spit in said food, or worse. I mean, yes, it's a show of solidarity to saunter in there not caring if he sees and all...but I don't want him doing anything to that cajete sauce in my dessert.

The other guy is a definite draw to go eat there. Let's call him Eddie. According to a friend from high school they saw Eddie recently working at Senor Carlos. I haven't seen Eddie since high school, and we lost touch about a year after that. So it's a good 5 years or so now. I had (still have?) a little crush on him, even though he's my friend. Trouble was, back then, that Daisy had a crush on him, too. Since she was the first to admit to her crush she then had "dibs" on him should anything happen. I mean, Daisy didn't find out until maybe 3 years ago that I liked Eddie, too. Anyway, now's the perfect chance for us to see how he's changed and everything.

Is the risk of consuming tainted Mexican fare worth catching up with an old hottie? We shall see.
