Nothing wrong with my eyes on this one
I forgot to mention an encounter on the weekend. I love encounters like these:
I was working the closing shift on Friday night. When the jewelry girls are all busy and there aren't a lot of people to kill time with I can be quite the little busybee in my department. That reminds me of a childhood memory all of my friends seemed to have of which I have no recollection...but that's for another time.
Right, so jewelry girls were busy, evening was going slow. I set myself about restocking socks. You just know the work is crawling when you are restocking the smallest, most inexpensive items in your department.
That's when I noticed someone standing at my counter ready to buy some stuffs. As I'm heading over to my till I realize that the lady is really pretty. Don't get me wrong, I love the guys. But there's nothing wrong with recognizing players on your own team who really have it going on. This young lady was dressed chicly, her makeup was done perfectly; accenting her best facial features while looking minimal. I was almost at my till when the lady blurted out "Oh my God, Leah!"
Here was a girl I went through 9 years of school with. She's always been a sweetie, kind and thoughtful and, to appease the popular crowd, well dressed all at the same time...and blessed with a great nose. There aren't a lot of Filipinos who can say the same. :) Wow, she was always good-looking back then...but if the guys could see her now. Let's call her Lady B.
Despite admiring Lady B's gorgeousness, I've never been one to be jealous of another's appearance. I appreciate that everyone comes in different shapes and sizes. Admittedly, there have been times when I've seen someone and thought to myself "Wow, I'm so glad I don't look like that." but on the flipside, there haven't been any occasions where I've wished I looked like somebody else.
One girl who used to hang out with aqua_angel and the rest of us once commented about another girl how she would kill to have a body like hers...but she didn't want the face. She'd rather keep her own face. At the time I thought it was a diss. Actually, if she had said that to the girl it would have most definitely been a diss. It's easy to say so-and-so has great legs or he has a great butt and all...but I think it'd be more humane of us to see the whole person and appreciate them for how every part of them contributes to their unique beauty. I'm not saying I'm innocent in the matter 'cuz there have been times when I've mentally torn apart peoples' appearances, but it would be nicer to appreciate the whole person.