You know where to find me

This week feels like a drawn out episode of "This Is Your Life." Not that I've ever seen the show, I'm just basing my correlation on the parodies I used to see on Sesame Street as a little girl.

If this carries on, all my old friends from school will know where I work. Am I ashamed of what I do, considering all the education I worked hard to achieve? Yes, a bit. I'll admit it is a tad embarassing to be "caught" working in retail when everyone's last impression of you was this girl who did well in school and took her education seriously. Depending on how defensive I feel when I run into these people I just want to blurt out "I got my university degree!" even if it has nothing to do with what we're talking about at the moment. I can't bear to have them thinking I was some sort of drop-out/failure.

Anyway, another friend from back in the day found me over at my store. Yet again, they recognized me before I did them. Mr. C, a guy who used to sit at the same table as me in homeroom way back in 7th grade.

L: Is there anything you'd like to see a bit closer?

Mr. C: *pausing, recognition flickering across his face* ...Leah!

L: *thinking "this guy knows me somehow"....then I see his eyes* Oh wow, hi!

Mr. C: Do you remember me??? (Mr. C)?

L: Yeah, yeah, I do! Your hair threw me off for a minute there! *gesturing to demonstrate the "hair"* How've you been?

Wow, Mr. C. He's grown quite nicely. Very nice. Wow. I don't think I've seen him at all since sometime in high school. He let his hair grow a bit long, and it suits him great. This coming from a girl who isn't all about long hair types! Still at the uni, working on his Political Science degree. Wow. He's hoping to finish this year.

It feels great running into all these old friends. It feels....cozy? Cozy describes what I'm feeling, I'd have to say. These old familiar faces lift me up. All the people I've interacted with throughout my life so far...good friend or even just a casual acquaintance; they all mean something to me.

I can't keep myself from smiling.
