
I'm soooooo choked.

Jonathan Brandis is dead!

We were so happy then.

Other than the New Kids on the Block, ;) Jonathan Brandis was the most massive teenybopper crush I had back in elementary and junior high. No matter how dumb his movies were (although I did enjoy Ladybugs back in the day) I watched them all. I'm sure I still have VHS tapes of recorded SeaQuest DSV episodes lying around somewhere.

I even have a Jonathan Brandis action figure. *giggles* And you would not believe the scrapbook I put together about him back in the day. I think people would seriously question my sanity if they ever came across it.

"He likes Yoohoo and has a terrier named Megan. He dated Tatyana Ali and Vinessa Shaw. He was born in Danbury, Connecticut. He likes to shop at Urban Outfitters... I could go on and on and on. I have his mom's recipe for chocolate chip cookies. It's really really good."

I went through some humiliation for this guy. This crazy boy, we'll call him Jean Jacket, couldn't understand why us girls were going all ga-ga over Jonathan when here Jean Jacket was...looking "identical" to Jon...and we weren't taking the bait.

He snatched one of my mini-posters of Jonathan Brandis and gave it to one of my guy friends. Rather than give me back the picture, my friend ATE IT! Right in front of me! Freak!

Haha, good times. :)

So yeah, the picture up there...I think that was 1993 (Aqua_angel, do you know?) And you know what? That beautiful day involved a few of the friends I have to this very day.

That day I was getting a poster signed for aqua_angel 'cuz she couldn't make it to the autograph session.

That day I ran into Bizkette at the signing after I had gone up for my autograph (I was there 2 hours early and one of the first 12 up! I'm dedicated, I tell you.) She was there to accompany her best friend , Daisy, as she waited in line for an autograph, too. Yup, that was my very first common bond with Daisy. It's all we could talk about together when we ran into each other at Bizkette's parties.

As an afterthought, I scribbled my phone number on a gum wrapper and gave it to the two girls to hand to him when they got up there. He waved to me. Yay! But he never called. Boooo.

He's been so out of the public eye for so long, I'm surprised they even announced his death.

And I found out about it via kool keith's blog in a post of an IM convo between him and Ryan. I was really enjoying it, as I always do when I read their convos, until I read the part about Jonathan Brandis.

My heart got squished a little.

I thought maybe they were just joking (Wow, they knew who Jonathan Brandis was!) but then Mijo left me an IM while I was away. I don't recall ever telling him about my young crush obsession on Jonathan but maybe he's psychic. The boy's looking out for me. What a sweetie.

Goodbye, my darling Jonathan.
