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I'm glad to see that our newspaper has deemed Jonathan Brandis' death as publish-worthy material. I admit that I, like many of his old fans I'm sure, did not take much notice of his latest goings-ons and he isn't the teenybopper idol he once was...but to let him pass away without a mention would be rude and cruel to his memory.
Though it's a bit morbid, I clipped that article (the picture they posted was of him on SeaQuest DSV...didn't they have anything more recent?) and I'll be adding it to that massive scrapbook of long ago. What a way to complete the "collection."
I don't have Ladybugs, though now I really want to own a copy just for the sake of nostalgia. Perhaps I'll watch Sidekicks or a bit of SeaQuest DSV this weekend just to reminisce.