Quit throwing money at me, unless it's free

I could live a lot larger if I didn't hate debt so much.

I bought some new boots at work the other day and I made the mistake of having one of the girls print me out a temporary credit card ('cuz I avoid bringing that card with me...too much temptation). The temp card also has your credit limit printed on it.

"Holy cow, that's your credit limit?" And then she offered to swap credit limits with me when she realized I don't even use 10 percent of that limit. My limit is 20 times bigger than hers.

What am I supposed to do? I didn't ask them to give me that ridiculous limit. I'd be more than happy if they dropped it down, even. 'cuz there is NO WAY I would every put myself into that much debt. This student loan is enough debt for me, thank you very much.

Now that I think about it, my limit is greater than the student loan I owe. That's pretty messed up.

I can't wait to pay off my loan.

I got one of those pre-approved credit card applications in the mail. Normally I chuck them out, but this time I bit. I'm sick of having my Visa tied to a bank that I don't even have an account with. This should rectify that situation.

And THEN, I got some more mail from another bank saying I've been pre-approved for a loan. Funny how this pre-approved business works, you don't ask for it and they offer it to you...but people I know who need it most get turned away like their nothing. Yup, this offer got shredded. They said it was approved based on "the responsible way you have handled your payments." Not that I want any more payments than I've got going, thanks.

Well at least they recognized that...that I take my debt payments seriously. Nothing bothers me more than people who play juggling games with credit cards and crap. You're just burning yourself in the end, my friend.

And aren't those mail-order inserts you get with your department store credit cards (or even just in your mailbox, unsolicited) absolutely annoying? I tend to give them to any little ones I have around at the moment...have them fill it out with their baby scribbles and gibberish, and send it back. After all, it's postage paid, no sense in it going to waste. They should really hold on to my darling relatives' artwork. It could be worth something someday!

Today's purse of the day is my most recent acquisition. Yes, it's shocking pink. Yes, it looks like something that should have been left behind in the 80s. But, I'm all about the 80s.

"If you don't know me by now, then you'll never ever ever know me. Oooooooh."

Shock me shock me.

And yes, it comes with a chain if you don't want to clutch it.


For those nites when you feel like partying like it's 1999.
