He's digging it.

I don't know about you, but I love having exclusive goodies. Cross-border shopping rocks when you want to distinguish your clothes from everyone elses. Relatives in far-away lands can hook you up with items you would never ever see at home in a gazillion years.

Look at this guy:


If you see him in the streets of L.A., bow down, 'cuz you can't get his clothes in your city. Your wonderful city may have its finger on the pulse of what's hot or passe this very moment, but he's got originality and exclusivity. And that rocks.

And it makes me so very happy. I've got hot pals, and they've got hot styles.

From hot pals to PayPal, I wish I had PayPal right now. (Had a sketchy experience with PayPal recently so I cancelled my account.) I really want this...very muchly.

Hot and exclusive to me...if I could just get my hands on it.

*sigh* At least my buddy's got it going on.
