
It has been the greater part of a year, I'm sure, since I've had a top-notch piece of tiramisu. The last time I had an awesome slice was at Sunterra Market, which can only mean I was still working at the travel agency...which means last June was the latest I had some quality goodness.

Why? How can this be? This calls for some serious action. I may have to make a special trip to Sunterra just to get a slice of heaven. But when?

Civic and I once had a discussion about what I'm looking for in a guy. I jokingly (though it's a serious matter now that I look back on it) said that I would marry the man who could whip me up some kickass tiramisu. My husband just has to keep dishing that stuffs out and I'd be faithful forever.

Mr guy is part-Italian and loves to cook. BUT he didn't say he loves to bake. Please tell me Italian men know how to make tiramisu. If they don't know how then I don't know of any other men who would be more likely to know.

Or I may just have to jump the guy behind the Sunterra counter.
