Go Flames Go!

Hooray for winning Game 1 against Detroit. I love you guys. Keep it up.

I've accepted the fact that I will not be seeing Black Eyed Peas on Saturday. *choked* I won't get to shimmy with the best of them all "Hey Mama"-like.

I bought another purse. Shhhhhh.

I know I have a lot of pictures to take.

I also bought an anklet with a bazillion capiz-looking shells dangling off of it. It makes a pretty clattering sound every time I step. So here I am sitting here shimmying my ankle just to hear it clap about. It'll be extra fun doing my belly-dancing video from now on.

The fluffy hippies are trying to break me down. Yoga was yet again more enjoyable this week than the previous. I almost feel guilty leaving the class after the instructor has gotten used to us and recognizes our faces. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to keep up with the yoga wednesdays. It's only one hour and I can go swimming on Monday and gym all the other days. I don't need the relaxation hippie crap, but it's almost like a very slow dance and that sells me on it.

I want to dance. Let's dance.
