"It's been a long time...shouldn't've left you"

Don't get me wrong, I come by here everyday. I try and visit all of your blogs at least once a week to keep up with everyone. And I've got lots to say, too, but by the time I sign into blogger and I stare at that blank white window just waiting for my thoughts my mind goes "poof!" and I forget all that I had to say. Am I developing blogger-shyness? I hope not.

For the past two Wednesdays I've been accompanying Daisy to drop-in Yoga. Personally, I find Yoga to be a whole lot of "fluffy hippie crap." (<== the definition of Yoga in the Leah edition of the dictionary) However, since it's not costing me a whole lot I've decided to give it 3 honest tries. It's still fluffy hippie crap in my books, and so far it feels like a waste of my time and effort. I don't need help relaxing. I don't need someone to guide me towards my inner peace. I would really rather go swimming (which unfortunately overlaps the Yoga by half an hour so I cannot go to both.) I want to feel some calories melting away. I want to feel some work, some burn.

The first try was absolutely useless, in my opinion. But this week was better; more engaging. Would I pay to have a whole series of Yoga lessons/sessions? No. Or at least I'm not convinced of its benefits yet. It has one more week to turn me around. Daisy's disappointed, and I'm sure mr. guy will be disappointed if I ever tell him about my Yoga adventure and how it has not converted me. Oh, the crazy fluffy hippies in my life. :)

Speaking of lessons, I really want some. I'm talking about dancing. Any kind! And yes, I know I always say that and never act on it. Mr. guy dropped the hint that he'd like to take dance lessons...but I didn't bite 'cuz I despise blatant hints like that. And he apparently has issues of some sort with the instructor who I'd most like to learn from. Belly dancing has always looked good to me. (Especially since my friends aren't comfortable joining me for "sensual dance" classes. Alas, I never expected them to balk at the idea! But just you wait, they're expecting to add pole-dancing to their program offerings later this year.) But who would be good to turn to for instruction? And wouldn't it be uber-snazzy if I could learn from Sahalie?

I rented Kill Bill Vol. 1 last night and watched it for the bazillionth time. I can't wait for Vol. 2. He suggested we catch a movie Friday night...yet he dismisses my strong need to see Vol. 2 on opening day. (He hasn't even seen the first one yet though he says Tarentino kicks ass. Seriously...what is WRONG with this guy???) He'd rather see something like Dawn of the Dead. As of right now it's only playing at 2 theaters and of those 2 it is only playing once a day at the theater we'd most likely go to. Needless to say I'm hoping that means it'll be dropped from the rotation come Friday night. (Make room for the Bride!) Besides, I sucked it up and let him pick Vietnamese for dinner the other night. I think it's my turn to pick. However, I suppose he's probably not going to let me pay...does that give him more sway? Bah.

Friday's gonna be tricky. I think the girls and I are catching a midnight showing of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. And it's up in the NE. I finish work at 7. Either there's hopefully an 8 o'clock showing of Kill Bill so I'll be on my way to meet the girls by 11 or I'll have to settle for a shorter movie that works better with my plans. He may just win this one after all.

Why's Friday so booked up? What am I gonna do on Saturday? It's too chilly right now for SoHo. (Oh yeah, in case you're wondering, we just had a freak snowfall today. It never seems to fail come Bermuda Shorts Day.)

And Sunday I go for my audition. Keep your fingers crossed for me! I'd love to talk more about it but I'm worried about another attention whore-slash-spy going up there to compete with me for a spot on the series.
