Weigh it out


  • unbelievably excellent money
  • potential military hottie relationship
  • hot weather
  • better than what I'm up to these days
  • gorge myself on falafels (is that what they eat there? note: look into that further)
  • new culture, new experience
  • limited shopping access, I would assume...lots of money saved for moi
  • travel!


  • potential military hottie relationship (from soldier's bride to soldier's widow? sounds none too appealing)
  • I'm not a big fan of danger.
  • my family and friends...I'd go crazy without them.
  • rats, roaches, and other creepy crawly unpleasant stuffs I'm sure.
  • hot weather...I'd be whining in no time
  • what if they don't eat falafels there?
  • losing touch with everything that's happening around here...my clothes would be dated, my shoes! my purses! my godchildren are growing up so fast; they won't remember who I am! and how will I keep track of the latest songs?
  • where would I dance?

So my list is pretty shallow-sounding. I really can't think of "deep" positives and negatives about the situation. Going to sleep on it.
