Fight fight fight!
Ok, so you let two games slide. Good for ticket sales, great for building suspense. But please, finish it off now.
I realize I didn't devote my full attention to you boys today, but I wore my Iggy shirt with pride with two Kipper shirt-wearing girls. We wore our jerseys (those that had them) and if not we wore red. And yet it didn't turn out as we had hoped.
And whoa, switching out Kipper for Turek? I realize he was having a bad day, but that was a shocker.
I know you'll win tomorrow's game, Iggy, 'cuz you guys love shaming the Sharks on their home turf. But if you could also win your home game on Wednesday to end this me and the rest of your fans would be through the roof ecstatic. It's possible, Iggy, and you know it.
To the Stanley Cup!