Divine intervention is needed

'cuz I seriously don't think she'll have the balls to get herself out of this one. Not that girls have balls, but you know what I mean.

*distressed* "What am I going to DO, Le?"

"Well, he knows you guys are just going out as friends, right? You should have offered to call 'the others' about the dinner plans."

"Yeah...I didn't think of that."

Problem is: her and I both sense that he doesn't believe her when she plays the "friends" card. Mutual friends have been egging him to go after her for years. One would have hoped he would've given up by now. I guess we were wrong. And now my dear friend has to be the sacrificial lamb (which is odd 'cuz I thought that I was always the lamb) and play along with everyone's plans for her and this guy.

*sigh* I don't know how to get her out of this one. And to compound the problem: he's a nice, harmless guy so you don't want to hurt him or embarass him in any way. So basically you suck up the embarassment yourself. I know she's too nice to flat out reject him. Perhaps that is why she became the "chosen one."

I remember one rare night when all parties involved were out at a bar and the guy in question was trying to win her over by buying her drinks. She ran over to me asking for my assistance in the matter and I loudly (and tipsily) shouted out my blatant solution.


And just like in those after-school specials about mean cliques and the like, fate would have it that he was right there when I shouted my reply. Maybe he didn't hear me, or perhaps he pretended that he didn't hear me, but he kept on pursuing her as if he didn't know any better...and she kept running to me to be saved. Drunken Leah's aren't very patient with those who need to be saved from such a simple danger...even if the one in distress is a really good friend.

Unfortunately for her, I decided to end the evening earlier than the rest of the crew and left with another friend. Did the damsel in distress save herself?

Obviously not 'cuz he's still on her trail. I love her and all, but I'm soooooo glad it isn't me. And I'm super thankful to my friends for not choosing me for this "position," too.
