I must confess

So my comp has been up and running for a little over 2 days now but I thought I'd be productive first.  Work before play.  So I caught up with all the new job postings and read my email, still working on finishing off my library for my HOT lil iPod, and now here I am blogging again from the comfort of my own computer.

And it feels so good.  No more lurking.

My parents had their 26th wedding anniversary last Thursday so we took them out for some Smuggler's Inn and bubble tea.  26 years.  I love it.

And on a somewhat related vein, my coworkers and I were fooling around in our department and out of curiousity I tried on a wedding band.  I was shocked when I took a good look at my hand and I didn't like what I saw.  I then tried to "prettify" the look by topping it off with an "engagement ring" and I still didn't like it.

"Oh my god, ML, it looks awful!  What does this mean?!"

Yeah, so apparently I don't like having any jewellery on my left hand.  It just doesn't look right.  It's the stupidest, most trivial thing I could ever admit to, but at the time I was shocked.

My brother's an absolute darling.  He went and picked up the appropriate port thingie for my computer AND he even installed it all for me before I got home from work.  I'm so excited, you have no idea.  But I'm not ready with my music library so I'm holding off unleashing the hotness that is my iPod.  I still have a CD tower and a bit to go through.  *sigh*  Hopefully by tonight *crosses fingers*  I'd love to show the Hotness to my friends.

Whoa, total change of tone.  Just found out my friend's father passed away.  My heart and condolences go out to him and his family.  I'd be hopeless without my daddy so I can only imagine what they're feeling right now.

