Letting a good thing go to waste

I felt like the hotness last night. Even considering that I had to bring my change of clothes for after work (as I always do...there are better clothes to be wearing in public, no?) and I actually took the time to do my makeup in the food court bathroom. The hotness on the fly. Being on the fly is my specialty, it would seem.

So yes, I was the hotness. Hot. HOT! And it was wasted. I imagined a lush glam evening lounging with my Urban Singleton Family (*a nod towards Bridget Jones*) but it didn't turn out quite that way. Civic was in Adidas slides but you couldn't blame him as he had just met up with us straight from a friend's bbq. *sigh* BBQ! And Daisy always looks dolled up for an evening out. Bizkette was unfortunately m.i.a. which is a shame 'cuz I knew there was a dress she had been wanting to wear. I was urban glam. Had my hot pink clutch, which you all know is one of my favorites, a black tube top, my jeans, and my snazzy denim mules with the HOT metal stilettoes. Wasted 'cuz the Urban Singleton Family wasn't complete nor did we have a visibly unified front.

But we went to Ming upon Civic's suggestion. Soon my wasted hotness became hotness wasted. The culprit? The yummy Hirohito martini I ordered right off the bat. I should've known better. One of its main ingredients is sake...and sake always kicks my ass.

But the Hirohito was sooooo good (It even came with a lychee fruit speared through what I liked to call a "Chinese Man-stick" - basically a cute cocktail spear with a traditional looking rural Chinese man on the end. Daisy and Civic were amused with my adoration of my Chinese Man-stick that they quipped that I'd be taking it with me wherever I went from then on...spearing hors d'oeuvres off of the trays at social shi-shi functions with my Man-stick. And no, the ridiculousness of calling it a Chinese Man-stick was not lost on us 3.) There was no way I could not try another martini. So I ordered a Gandhi. Enh, not as good. So, lesson learned, Ming=Hirohito martini for Leah. Without a doubt.

And then Daisy gave me her Norma Jean champagne concoction to finish off since she was driving. Oh, look, down she goes. I even admitted to them that I was definitely hit hard by all that I had. For shame, it had only been 2 martinis and a champagne thingie! Have I become a lightweight?

But I made it to the bathroom alright (just to freshen up, relax) despite their concern that I'd fall over. Especially in these shoes! But these shoes have never failed me, and they definitely didn't let me down last night.

One unfortunate thing about Ming is that their food menu is severely lacking. I mean, Mortal Coil has much better fare. So we strutted our fine asses down 17th trying to agree on what to nosh on.

"Hey, not bad, I'm still walking pretty good, huh?"

"Uh, no hun, but at least you're staying on your feet."

Ah hahahaha.

Despite being on 17th we still ended up at Boston Pizza. That's alright, I was craving a quesadilla anyway.

Throughout the night we caught up on everybody's lives, as it should be. Civic's brother got married last weekend and he had sent me the link to the pictures. So we discussed the details and the outfits. Basically we tore it apart for analysis, which is really snobby I suppose, but it's what we do. It wasn't so much that we were being malicious, but Civic just felt that his brother had not planned out the wedding as well as he could have. I absolutely agreed. I'm sure, had they shopped around even just a little bit they would have saved themselves quite a bit of money and it would have even looked like a bigger and snazzier affair. A lot of mental notes went into my thought bank for the day when I plan my own. If all my friends get married before me I'll have so much knowledge of what to do, what not to do, I'll be so set!

But the bride definitely didn't go wrong with her dress. God, I loved her dress! It was an inspiration.

So we talked about that quite a bit, I love talking about weddings. We tried to plan out the rest of our summer. Before we arrived at Ming mr. guy and SunMoon called me for some reason, ah yes, it was to ask if me and my crew were going to SoHo tonight to which I replied "no" since quite a few of us are already spoken for tonite and I don't want to go without Daisy. Maybe it was 'cuz it was Friday the 13th but I was easily irritated last night, what with 2 chance encounters with an old, awkward, acquaintance, the frustration of trying to help Daisy find parking on 17th, and mr. guy and SunMoon staying in on a Friday night. I know it's their own decision and they're just being responsible 'cuz they're working today but hello?! Summer is fleeting! There aren't very many patio days left. Must milk it for all it's worth.

And being hot, must milk the being hot.
