And so it goes

To all my American friends and readers, I'm so sorry about your country's ongoing state of affairs. Everyone knows I'm not even close to being political, (I don't understand the difference between Republicans and Democrats and truth be told my eyes would probably glaze over if you were ever to try to explain the whole thing to me) but I do know your president seriously wasn't cutting the mustard. Maybe some of your fellow citizens were afraid to vote for Kerry...something along the lines that it's easier to deal with a recognized demon than to take a leap of faith and put your trust in a new person. But I believed you guys deserved better and I guess that's not going to happen for the next little while.

But I can't say I'm not enjoying the beautiful rise of my Canadian dollar. I would LOVE to be cross-border shopping right now. I'd love to be across the border right now, period. I didn't get a decent summer holiday/trip this year.

Man, I'm missing hockey. I'm suffering severe Calgary Flames withdrawal.

I thought this guy on the bus during the club crawl was calling me "gorgeous" and when I was about to thank him for the compliment he continued on with "so's the other one *referring to my tits*." I should've known. Oh well, it's not my fault he couldn't see the whole picture. I was gorgeous from head to toe. I was a stone (age) fox.

And Daisy reminded me of last year's "Gagandeep" riot and I started laughing so hard (my coworkers must have thought I was a drunken lunatic...though I was nowhere near drunk, you know me) I was crying. Hallelujah for waterproof mascara.

My Phenoms won, of course. Go boys! My godbrother, we'll call him P.J., was on fire. 4 for 4 on his 3-pointers! Superstar! That was such a great game.
