Step by step, heart to heart, left right left we all fall down like toy soldiers.

Not only am I a Bridget Jones fan but I'm also an Eminem fan so his latest, Encore, has provided the soundtrack to some of my weekend. "Ass Like That" cracks me up.

Saturday was my little cousin's birthday. She turned 7 and all the family and friends went down to Tamarine for a little Vietnamese cuisine and a fun costume party.

I was Paris Hilton. Blonde wig and a taco bell dog hanging out of a fake Louis Vuitton bag, done.

Normally I can't stand Vietnamese food but I liked Tamarine. I attribute it to their lack of cilantro. I can't stand cilantro. Not surprisingly Weird Kid, the Vietnamese food fanatic, thought Tamarine was simply alright. Anyway, Tamarine was great news for me. Perhaps I have finally found a Vietnamese restaurant I can handle then I can join my friends for Vietnamese every once in a while.

Little Lana had another opportunity to wear her unicorn costume. Armand was a buff muscly pirate (so cute). Baby Sister was Pocahontas. My godmother was Little Red Riding Hood (I took notes for a future Halloween costume idea). And one of my aunt's had an amazing Beaker costume. Yes, I mean Beaker of Muppets fame. The only thing that could've made it better was if her boyfriend had been Bunsen Honeydew.

Sunday was once again CPBA day. The Phenoms won their game against Shiznit. Flamingo even made my day a little brighter by showing up early and we got to chat for a bit. Just my luck the day I don't expect to see him at all at the games he shows up. I wasn't looking my best, but I also don't think I ever look horrific, so I guess it's alright that he was there. What am I talking about, I was super-happy he was there...even if I was looking a bit grubby. He didn't get to go surfing in Cabo, only did some boogie boarding. It still sounds like a lot of fun to me.

The daydreaming head-in-the-clouds side of me wanted to read more into his coming to the gym early. Juice didn't play until 3:30, meaning he came 3 hours early. I mean, I love watching the CPBA games but I wouldn't watch more than 1 or 2 games in a day. I know there's a HUGE probability that he didn't come early just so we could chat for a bit, but it's nice to imagine he did. :) Unfortunately for him, I couldn't keep him company until his game or even watch his game 'cuz we had to go pick up my mom from work. (Memo to self: Try to always look your dead-hot best on CPBA days.)

Someday I'm probably going to blurt out "I love you" instinctively and be absolutely mortified. But at least it would be done and over with. Ball served and in Flamingo's court.
