I'm not going to make it, boss.

Work and shopping has whipped me into a perpetual state of exhaustion...and we haven't even begun the whole family togetherness-madness. I think if Christmas preparations don't sap me of all my energy the holiday socials will certainly finish the job.

I still love Christmas. One particular customer said:

"I was watching you work while waiting to get some service (uh-oh, what did I do wrong?) and the entire time you had a smile on your face. I don't know how you can stay so poised and cheerful in all this chaos."

What can I say? I honestly do love my job. It may be "beneath" my potential and the kind of pay I deserve, but I enjoy my time on the salesfloor. In all my retail positions over the years it's not the customers that irk me, usually I love them, and for sure I have fun with my coworkers...it's the management that always spoils it for me. So on the days when they leave me to just do my thang with my colleagues and our customers...that's when I shine the most.

If only the pay weren't so crappy I'd probably be one of those oddballs who would consider retail as a career despite all my education. And so long as they never promote me to management. I definitely have my reasons for having my beef against all the different management I've experienced in the past and I would never want to be in their shoes.

Whilst I've been away from my blog, in no particular order:

  • Went to a Burberry auction at Tantra. I can't stand Burberry. Needless to say watching all the people there go buckwild over the boring tartan stuffs didn't entertain me much. Daisy had a blast, though.
  • Accompanied Blondie and Redhead (we are now known as the Luscious Sex Kittens in our department -- group name based on our first letters of our names. You have Luscious Leah, Skanky Redhead, and Kinky Blondie.) and Daisy at Coyotes for some dancing. I have since revised my "ideal height for Leah's perfect man" criteria. I was grinding with some guy who was 6'4" (previous ideal) and dude was literally straddling/sitting on my ass...or what little exists of my flat ass. Not only that but due to the height differential our movements were pushing my jeans down. Yes, I have an aversion to belts usually. As Mijo put it, I was getting the boner-to-the-shoulder-blades sort of thing going on.
  • The girls from work and I had our own mini company-party (in defiance of the big shindig hosted earlier) at Joey Tomato's followed by some dancing at Mynt Ultralounge. Love the decor but, as much as I always thought I wanted to be with the beautiful people, I've realized I can't stand the beautiful "world-revolves-around-me" crowd. Mainly those that smoke are those who piss me off the most. I've never seen so many inconsiderate morons on the dancefloor as I did that night. One prick burned me TWICE with his cigarette whenever he leaned in to whisper into some chick's ear. Another dumb girl danced around with her cigarette held high in the air over everyone's heads. Great, thanks for not burning anyone but you're dropping your ash all over my friends. Grrrrrr. Then we had the idiot who kept pushing against Blondie and I to make more dancing room for himself. We stood our ground. I hope he was at least somewhat bruised from all our elbows. There was also the little guy who got off on inconspicuously brushing his hand on our asses. He didn't even have the balls to make a good grab on them. Pathetic. A-girl got lost for a while. Turns out she ran into a guy who had conveniently lost his friends, too, and rather than suggest that they look for their friends together he asked if she wanted to go somewhere and talk instead. Is that what kids are calling it these days? After she pulled away from that guy she was approached by yet another guy who wanted to dance. She felt too guilty to leave this guy on the dancefloor 'cuz she was apparently the only thing maintaining his dignity or else everyone would see his raging hard-on. I say "tough luck" for him. How she could feel guilty or responsible for masking his boner is beyond me...but that's A-girl for you.
  • The sex party lady and I keep missing each other due to schedule conflicts. As a result I still do not have my ben wahs. Frankly, I don't care much about it. If she's willing and it's more convenient for both of us I wouldn't mind if we just dropped it and she just reverse my payment for those. It's not a high priority of mine.
  • I got a stupid comment on here from one "hott babe." Have you all read it? Don't bother, it's not worth your time. I'm already embarassed that I'm even acknowledging them on here with any sort of response. I have a lineup of suspects who I think it may have been (thanks to my excellent sleuthing skills and online trackers) but I'm not going to waste any more effort on it. Did they think they would piss me off? That's pretty immature. Trying to accuse me of being a whore? They have nothing backing their claims. Did they think it would "motivate" me to act? I can't decide which motive is more pathetic. Either way it's really clear that they don't know me much and that's all I'm going to say on the matter.
  • The Phenoms won their game against MVC Realtors last week but unfortunately they lost this week in their game against Sovereign. The blame all lies in one young man: Calvin De La Pena. Yeah, the guy who plays pro ball in the Philippines (in some capacity or another, none of us known the details.) He's back in town due to the Christmas season and since they kept his name on their roster he was allowed to play today. He alone made all the baskets that made up the difference between the two teams' scores. Of course the one game I haven't watched this whole season and my boys lose. Not only that but a small-scale superstar was on the court against them!
  • Civic's back in town! And Latina will be back tomorrow!
  • I bought two of the cutest hats in the world. You have no idea. And thanks to Weird Kid's girlfriend I found out that Missy Elliot's Respect Me line is sold here in Calgary. My Christmas list just blew up.
