Another year over and a new one just begun

A resolution of sorts: blog more. Or if I can't blog, at least jot something down in a notebook.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's Eve. No need to share any of the sordid details 'cuz New Year's Eve is kind of like going to Vegas. What happens that night is all hush. Scout's honor. Ha, knowing me, yeah right! But it's a blackmailer's dream for some. Too bad it doesn't bother me so much, so you can't blackmail me anyway. However, sharing my stories would implicate others and I've promised I wouldn't corrupt their reputations. Chain of events=family and friends at home -- move on to Tequila -- midnight! -- last call for martinis at Mortal Coil (Step Into The Light, please.) -- noshies at Denny's.

The hot pizza guy from the old Metro days is still working the tequila shooter bar over at Tequila. It was nice seeing an old familiar face. And to be remembered, too!

After New Year's Eve everything else was g-rated. Had a huge family party (finally, the huge family parties were lacking this year) on New Year's Day and then the annual Smuggler's Inn brunch with the Usual Suspects on Sunday.

I got my Eggs Benedict on. You better believe that. My addiction was sated.

Eggs Benedict followed by a jaunt downtown for some bubble tea. How perfect is that?

So now I guess we all have to settle down and get back to our normal la-di-da lives.

"If you like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain...If you're not into yoga...If you have half a brain...If you like making love at midnight in the dunes of the cape...I'm the love that you've looked for...Write to me and escape." (Out of context, those are the best anti-hippie sentiments I have heard in a long time. Too bad the song is pretty hokey.)

Oh, and to avoid any confusion, the new pictures in my Buzznet (over yonder left) are super-late images of the Halloween club crawl.
