A million blessings alight upon thy back

After many weeks of being MIA, I finally found Rocky.

There art thou happy.

I finally received my benwahs.

There art thou happy.

And yeah, that's all I've got for now.

What do I think of the benwahs? Well, first time I saw them they were a lot smaller than I imagined them to be. And then I held them in my hand and they really were heavy for their size. So I tried them out.

Hold them hold them hold them hold them hold them

Then I eased up a bit and they stayed there. Hmm, piece of cake. These benwah things are overrated.

Totally forgot about them until I headed upstairs. Ah ha! They're not so easy to hold in now! Needless to say, I completely failed THAT exercise.

However, I still think they're overrated.
