
Weird Kid and I got to catch the preview of Mindhunters last night thanks to his girlfriend (the poor girl had to work.)

I'm ashamed to say I achieved full couch-potato status during the film. At no point in the movie did I let my mind do what it should do: think. Given the title, my brain would have been no match for the hunter. It was a sitting duck.

Ok, I don't even know why I went into all of that.

But seriously, my mind just went all "blah" on me.

"Oh, the killer is you."

"Oh, I guess the killer wasn't you."

Yeah, I didn't even attempt to solve the mystery. I just let the film spoon-feed me all its content. It wasn't until after the film and Weird Kid and I dissected the film that I realized there were so many loose ends. And not the kind of loose ends that are placed there to keep you thinking for days to come.

As thrillers go, it was alright. I liked Sin City better, but you can't even compare the two.

But I do have to say one thing: thank god screenwriters are law-abiding citizens. With the kind of messed-up deaths they concoct for the silver screen these days, we'd have some seriously psychotic homicidal freaks out there if these guys weren't on the up and up. *squirms*
