Slowly but surely...

...the Christmas shopping is getting done. My hours at work don't make it very easy for me. I stopped by downtown Wednesday night since they were on the way and holiday hours are until 9. Did a little more online. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get most of it done after work since the malls are open till 11. As much as I love shopping, I can't believe how the shops close later and later each year around this time. I'll bet there'll be 24-hour mall holiday hours before I die. It's already disgusting that they'll be open till 11 on a Sunday. Not even just from a religious standpoint, just that people need a break. Come on, now.

But on the flipside I shouldn't complain either since these late hours are working to my benefit. How disgusting is that? It's people like me that help the malls justify keeping open so late.

I found a satin bustier, pink, during my shopping on Wednesday. It thrills me to no end since it's part of the outfit I'm picturing for this year. I'd really like to get it in red, though, so I'll see what I can find tomorrow. The only thing that could be better were if it were an actual corset. I've always wanted one of those. Not willing to pay the high price for a quality one right now, though. An old coworker and I had gone to Blame Betty to take a look at their corsets (her and I share a lot of the same style ideas and yet they come through completely different) and the one that caught my eye first, not even the "perfect" one I was envisioning, was 210 dollars. I can't justify that.

My dream to be a Pussycat Doll forges on. :)

Given that it is, for all intents and purposes, Friday I am hoping mg2.0 will not bother trying to call me for the Saturday coffee thing. I could do so much more with that time. What's awful is that it doesn't matter when he gets me out, I'm already dreading it. I usually love going out on dates, meeting new people and figuring out how to get along with different types. Maybe it is because I figure I have him "sorted out" already. That and his overeagerness. Such a turn-off! But I guess if he wants to go out Saturday that's better than the Monday (or was it Wednesday? Wow, I can't even remember my own day off now.) I suggested as an alternative. Saturday's time is truly limited, whereas Monday I would have to lie to get out early.

What sucks is I have to shop all by my lonesome tomorrow. Civic and Daisy both have their work parties Friday night. And we all know I'm not good when I'm left all by myself. :) Oh well, nothing to slow me down on my shopping mission, then.
