It's in the air

I'm going to try this whole "blogging-via-email" thing. I realize it's not revolutionary, but I've always blogged the old-fashioned way by signing into Blogger and writing/posting from there.

I have a tiny...crush, I guess you could call it, on this guy on the C-Train.

It's all due to his cologne. It's my favorite cologne. There aren't very many guys out there who wear it and it makes it all the more special when I get a whiff of it around.

Much like those cheesy Axe Effect commercials.

He's not always on the train with me, but it's a treat when he's there. I get all giddy-like. I've stalked right behind him on the escalators (yes, he gets off at the same station as me). Mmm, he smells so nice. And as a bonus he's not very hard on the eyes. :)

My whole family is headed to the Philippines shortly. Without me. Everyone knows I don't do well with an empty house. They'll be gone for a month. How am I going to survive? I'll go insane!

It'll be so lonely. :( From a bustling house where there's almost always someone a silent empty house with only little old me inside. *sigh* Not to mention the fact that I'd like to go on holidays, too! Man, the "real world" can suck sometimes. I miss having guaranteed time off during the school year.
