Where's the love?

Technology is not my friend right now. A shame, really, since I love my little gadgets.

Computer is still being a brat. It goes through a cycle of 1, 2, sometimes 3 resets before I can finally login sometimes.

This next complaint is more esthetics but...I've cracked the rubber lining on my iPod headphones. Civic and I went scouring the stores for a replacement pair (since we doubt I could get a new set with my warranty since it still works sublimely...it just looks ghetto, is all) but all they have to offer now are those in-ear earbuds. I want the regular earbuds. *sigh* My dad, ever my hero, "fixed" it up with some blue electrical tape, but I still want a nice-looking pair.

My latest celly, "The Hotness," all of a sudden has a dysfunctional camera. I know it used to work. But who knows when it conked out on me 'cuz I'm not one to use the camera function regularly. So I took it to my friendly tech boys who sent it away. NOT EVEN 3 MONTHS in my possession! Now I have another loaner phone in the meantime...and thankfully this loaner phone is a Sony Ericsson and not those dumb Nokias of yore. But it never seems to fail that when I have a big "do" coming up I never have my hot phones with me, always a loaner phone. Such is the way. Although this one is a Sony Ericsson it's a candy bar phone. I'm a flip phone girl, I cannot deny it. This whole keylock and press the button to answer business....so not feeling it. Blah. Maybe I should forget the loaner phone and just slap my SIM card back into my old Motorola for the time being. It's days like these when it pays to have my growing museum of past cell phones. And thank goodness for SIM cards! I hated having to punch in all my contacts with each new phone. Sure you only do it every two years but still, ugh.

And speaking of contacts, I should really think about cleaning it out one of these days. Usually, when I punch in the number of a "newly made acquaintance" I add a little note in there to remind me who the guy is and stuff. (Don't read it like that, it's not like I've got a bazillion numbers in my phone.) Things like "russian," "model," "tum"...things that wouldn't really mean anything to anyone but myself. But there's this one guy in there, and I can't recall who he is for the life of me. Short of giving him a call, which I really would rather not do (what if he was a creep/pervert that I've written off and just don't remember?) I really don't know how I can find out who this guy is. Other than him I know all the other numbers in my phone, so I can't be that bad of a ditz. But yeah, there are guys in there that I haven't talked to in over 2 years I would have to say. Write-offs.

I noticed bus guy's number was still in there. Although I'd love to take it out I think I'm safer with it in. Last thing I need is for him to call out of the blue and me answer my phone since I don't recognize the number anymore. Although I usually let unknown numbers go to my voicemail anyway.
