"Got to get you back in my life"

Sheer curiosity has me wondering how long can I create blog post titles out of song lyrics. Given the amount of time I've spent on here in the past month I'll never run out of lyrics simply since I rarely post these days.

That also means I have way too much to write about whenever I do get around to posting, but time constraints and not wanting to babble results in cutting out some fun times on here since I never had the time to write about it. C'est la vie. C'est dommage.

But I'll try to remember everything I wanted to write about, if only because I haven't written in ages.

The Usual Suspects and I headed out to Edmonton on Canada Day just to get out of the city. Or rather, we headed to West Edmonton Mall since we never really do anything else in Edmonton. I am offended that they have Urban Outfitters and Hollister and we do not have them in Calgary... yet. I remain hopeful. With it being a holiday it turned out the mall was only open till 6 shopping-wise but being oblivious to that we spent a good 5 hours at the waterpark leaving us 2 hours or so left to shop. Power shopping at it's roughest! Ended up with a wooden bead belt from Hollister and an adorable bowed top from Urban Outfitters. A great way to end the shopping portion of our itinerary...I've been feeling great since upping the gym quotient, and although I can't really say that I've gone down a whole size or anything I was liking what I saw in the fitting rooms. Yay, me!

So that was a great way to start the long weekend. Or, rather, finding out my request for vacation time to go to Hawaii had been approved was the great start to the long weekend. Daisy and I are going to Hawaii, baby! 2 days in Maui, 5 days in Oahu, it's going to be amazing. I'm uber excited. Anybody who's been there: feel free to share your tips and recommendations! Pair that with my feeling-good-out-of-the-gym sensation these days and I'm actually wanting to go swimsuit shopping for the trip. Imagine that!

After West Edmonton Mall we stopped in Red Deer to fill up on gas and so Civic could demonstrate what he had learned about Mentos and Diet Coke. Yes, there we were in a gas station parking lot watching cola fizz and spurt out of the bottle volcano-style. But not before we encountered an Amazon of a woman/possibly trannie and her hoochified barbie of a friend purchasing gum (or something to that effect) from the gas station cashier. Never a dull moment with the Usual Suspects, I tell you what.

So that was last weekend, any questions?

This past Friday, Civic swung by my work to come get me after my shift and help me find a new beach bunny cowboy hat (when ironically I found out tonight that my brother has my old one in his room...all for the best really since this new one is too shallow/big on my head and blows away in the slightest breeze). It was sort of another power-shop sort of deal since he had dinner plans with his brother and sister-in-law. I tagged along. I had something like "mixed seafood in milk" on rice which doesn't sound nearly as good as it actually was. Maybe out of curiosity I'll go back and order the "lamp with vegetables." Heehee.

Then it was on to 17th Ave to meet up with Daisy. And wouldn't you know it, her scooter guy was there at Caffe Beano just as we were parking. Unfortunately, he was hopping on his scooter and drove off as we got out of the car but it would not have mattered if we tried to stall him, Daisy was still a few minutes out.

Saturday was the annual Stampede Breakfast at Chinook Centre and we had raved about it to so many of our friends and family (last year each line had a different add-on to their pancakes...chocolate chips, strawberries, apples, that kind of thing) that we actually had a fair-sized group this year. But of course, it was just standard pancakes on offer this time around. Never fails.

Stampede breakfast was followed up by the Stampede itself. Nelly Furtado was performing on the coke stage that night and Saturday also ended up being the best day for me to take baby sis out to the grounds. To my credit I did not eat a lot of the carnie food, but I've never really been one for corn dogs and cotton candy. I didn't even touch a single mini-donut this year! This year was pretty more of the same for me, a slice of Wicked Wedge, an aquassage, a handful of rides, a couple of games, and a lot of walking. Civic introduced us to a good place to sit and take in the evening's fireworks. That's right, we opened the park and we closed the park...even baby sis! But I suppose since it's the only day I plan on attending this year I might as well have made the best of it.

But alas, didn't catch any of Nelly's show. It was just too crowded and I don't have that kind of patience anymore. However, I am still the undisputed queen of Whack-A-Mole, and I even won on the Water Racers game this year!
