
My crew of future salsa fiends has expanded to a group of three! Now we have 2 salseras and uno salsero!

Yuppers, Flag Girl, Civic and I have taken up another salsa course. I know Flag Girl already caught the bug during the last course but hopefully now that we have a guy to practice with we can move on from the beginner level and on to new and sassier things!

Last week was the salsa drop-in class and it was so nice to be back in the studio regardless of the redundancy of the material being taught. This way Civic could give it a try without really committing to anything though I figured he wouldn't bow out. I miss all the other dancers and our fabulous instructor...just that whole salsa vibe going on. It was so great to be there once again.

Unfortunately, this time around I don't get my favorite instructor, but the lady instructor is just as just takes a minute to get used to different teaching styles. And grandpa salsa was back to help out! Dare I boast but during practice time after the lesson he took me for a spin around the floor and, minus a few slip ups (still struggling to "follow" and not "lead," haha) I didn't miss a beat with him! Not to mention the studio was starting to fill up fast with the drop-in I felt like a bit of a showoff. But, man, did I feel great! "Look what I can do!"
