
Last month was our high school reunion. It was so nice to see so many people from way back when. I thought I had grown a lot since then, but thrown back into the mix I found I was more of the same: shy and reserved as always, and taking a (long) while to warm up. Thankfully, others were also the way they had always been. If not for them coming up to me and starting up some conversation I don't think I would have reunited with as many people as I did.

When you say the words "10-year reunion" it feels like so much time has passed, or should have passed. I know 10 years ago I imagined that I would be in a much different place than I am now, and it felt like I had all the time in the world to get there. A common sentiment I heard from a lot of people is that they felt that nothing drastic has changed in 10 years. A lot of us spent most of those years in college, then finding jobs, some of us got married and had kids. But for the majority of those I spoke with it felt like their "adult" lives were just getting started. So when that predictable question of "what's new?" eventually made its way into the conversation, most felt like blanketing the whole time period with "not much." However, once the dialogue really started to flow it was pretty clear that we have all matured quite a bit in the past decade.

It was also interesting to see that most groups gravitated towards one another just like in high school. Refreshingly, though, a lot of the old hang-ups and labels had been tossed long ago and everyone was interacting freely even if they never "hung out" together back then.

I can be a terrible conversationalist when I feel put on the spot (not that it would have been wise to prepare/rehearse a few responses before the reunion) so I did not really put much thought into my responses to peoples questions while I was at the reunion, but I certainly had a lot to "say" after the fact as I laid in bed replaying the evening in my mind! Which gave me a great idea...

I am going to reunite with my blog! Where else do I have a captive audience but here? And, as always, I can be as verbose as I wish (I bet noone would have guessed me to be the yappy type back in high school!) and it will give me some good solid quality writing time with my blog. As a bonus, any new readers I may have (I have noticed some new visitors) can catch up on my "history" in one fell swoop.

So here goes...
