"No" means "later."

Well, the inevitable has happened. My best friend is officially engaged, the wedding date has be chosen, everything is ploughing along.

She broke the news to me over the phone. It's true we rarely get to find time together anymore. Life gets in the way like that.

"Will you be my maid of honor?" she asked.

How could I say "no" to my best friend?! And thus, I fulfilled Civic's prophecy (albeit I fulfilled his prophecy but in relation to a different friend) since he pretty much stood firm on the fact that I would not be able to decline such an "honor" when it comes to a friend...regardless of how much I frown upon the relationship.

Talk about trust, huh? She wants me to be right beside her at the wedding knowing full well that if anyone were to say a peep when the priest asks "does anyone object to this union?" I would be the most likely person to speak up. I'm just saying.

But I cannot deny the fact that he has done well in becoming a part of his daughter's life, the same daughter for which he refused to take any responsibility in the beginning. As far as I know he treats my best friend well. They have become a family, despite all the speculation. He still smokes around my goddaughter and I know my best friend smokes a lot more often now as a result. That still frustrates me. What can I do? I'm just the godmother. But smoking aside, I think the odds are in their favor.

Seriousness aside, though, if I keep up my good work I'm going to be one sexay maid of honor. :D

Tokidoki by Simone Legno
