Hello...I just got to let you know...
Oh, and I apologize for the long hiatus. Does anyone still read this out there?!
A little more than a month ago, a newly divorced (and gorgeously single) friend of mine decided to join an online dating site. (Shhhh!) She asked me to join along. Partially curious, I dove into the online dating scene. I've met guys from the internet before. How different could this be, right?
I've never liked the concept of speed dating, but geez this is perhaps sprint-dating. Granted, I had been experiencing a drought regarding male attention (ever since I lost all the weight! It baffles my mind. Am I too cocky now? Nah, that can't be it. :P ) but this was like a dam breaking! Before I let all the attention get to my head I found a handful whom I thought I may have a possible "connection" with and ran with that.
For the most part, all the guys have been great. I haven't met any creepy guys (at least not in person...disaster has been averted a couple of times!) but there wasn't any real chemistry with most of them. I say most.
Today I want to discuss my latest Berger. I want to call him Berger 2.0 (BII). A couple of weeks ago we went for our first date (meeting?) over drinks. With typical tact, he told me during the date that he couldn't stay out too long as he had to work on his car for an impending long drive that coming weekend. Most girls out there would agree with me; all signs pointed to him being not all that interested. Normally I wouldn't mind so much but I thought he was cute and I liked his style. All superficial, I know, but I really felt it was a shame he wasn't into me.
Or so I thought.
So a week or so later he came back into town and I started chatting with him again. Things got flirty so I figured maybe I still had a chance with the guy...but then again it could just be his hormones talking so I wasn't going to be the one asking for another date.
He asked me out on another date (meeting?)!
This is where things got messed up. I started thinking that I really really REALLY like this guy and that I would do everything I could to try and win him over.
So high school.
So now of course, all the girly drama starts dancing around in my head. Now that he got what he "wanted" he doesn't have any motivation or need to continue seeing me...how could he take a girl like me seriously...etc etc. Conversations with him now are all kind of stilted, which leads me to overanalyzing them to death. How, at my "mature" age, could I do something so teenage?
And to continue with my teenage behaviour: I really hope he calls me again sometime. I do realize that things rarely pull through from such a hormonal beginning but here's hoping! I don't think I've come across a guy like him who shares so many of my interests and possesses the traits that I find sexy. *sigh* Why can't I ever keep things simple?