"...and another one gone and another one gone...."
Turns out blogrolling.com "ceased" operations as of last month. The inner packrat in me freaked out...all those blogs I used to read on the regular GONE!
But - surprise! - I had saved a few of my old blog pages that show my old templates and blah blah blah...problem solved; found all my old blogging peeps. And then came the great purge. Blogger offers a blogroll of sorts, but I had to add them in one by one. Now was a great time as any to finally organize the list.
I knew a lot of people had stopped writing - some have even dismantled their blog and it's as if it never existed - so I had to figure out which to keep and which (that were still online but not necessarily active) to toss.
If I know you personally or if I've had any interaction with you over all these blogging years I have kept you on. Alas, some of you are long gone and it was with great sadness that I had to get rid of your link. *pours some beer on the blog tombstone* "This one's for my homies.
Some of the ones I have kept are uber old and I have no personal tie to them whatsoever...but I loved reading them so there they stay.
I even added one (ONE!) new blog that was a suggested read. Even this new blog does not post all too often so I do not feel too too bad about my own little blog.
Is Twitter killing blogging? I noticed some old reads saying sayonara to bloggerland and inviting everyone to add their twitter account. Don't get me wrong, I like those little mini-updates but how does one speak their mind in 140 characters or less? Huh? Riddle me that.
Oy vay, the blogroll has been decimated. Ah well, it had to be done, no? And if some old blog pals come across this and want to let me know what's new drom me a line!