Times Square(d)

“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.” ~ Albert Einstein

There is an Einstein exhibit going on at the Telus World of Science and you know I had to just go and check it out.

Unfortunately, there was not a lot of hands-on science-y stuff to do re: Einstein. But what I didn't learn about Einstein's discoveries I DID learn about Einstein the person. A lot of the exhibit were letters he had written to various people (presidents, fellow scientists, journalists, and lovers. Yes, lovers. Apparently, Einstein was quite the ladies man. *thinks about whether she would have fallen for Einstein's charm back in the day*) The quote above wasn't at the exhibit; I found it in an article later on. But you've got to admit...how much of his brilliance was he holding back from us by being a normal guy and doing daily "normal guy" things?

The quote also made me think of my current schedule. I think I've got myself spread a little thin right now; but thankfully that will all clear up within the next week or so.

For the past little while in an effort to get my life all shiny and awesome again I have been working out, taking swim lessons (more workout AND fun), and my accounting night class. After all that the only evenings I have possibly had for myself is the weekends. Then you add in helping out around the house and blah blah blah and basically my moments to corral my sanity back into place are late at night...just like now.

And I don't quite know what Aidan thinks of me. Back to the high school drama. He says he misses me...but that meant a very specific sentiment back in the day. Back in the day, as you all know, I got hurt. Really don't want to go through all that again.

Yet naive little me wants to be positive and optimistic. I have had very little time to spend with Aidan. We finally managed a short coffee time a week or so ago (see, I can't even remember). In my defense, it's not just my schedule that gets in the way of seeing him. He works a lot and the past few times when he's been free it falls on the night I've got class so...sucks all around.

But this past weekend he actually had time to get together. I would have loved to see him for a little while. But do you think I could get it to pan out? Pfft.

So this is where my girlie-mind goes all bananas. With the lack of seeing him it would only be logical (again, girlie-mind logic) for him to bond with someone who has a more compatible schedule. Girlie-mind also hopes that "missing" is more of a match with all dictionary definitions of the term compared to several years ago.

I think Einstein is telling me to go park the car and pay more attention to the kiss. :P And I'd really love to do that, if it's not too late; but I also do not want to be played for a fool. How opposite of Einstein would THAT be?!

Tokidoki by Simone Legno
