Push It

Blah, my cranes are getting sloppier and sloppier rather than better. At least with this one I was able to complete the whole bird from memory. I have to get some bigger origami paper to make tidier, crisper cranes. These square little notepapers are so not doing the trick.

So, yes, I ended up going on the date this past Tuesday. He's a nice guy. If you know me well enough that should really be all I have to say.

He's very sweet and I'm sure he'd treat me, or any girl, well. He's a little cuddly-shaped, and I would be a hypocrite if I told anyone that that is an issue with me. But my manager hit it on the head when I was discussing the date amongst my office-mates. There is no ambition in the guy whatsoever.

He admires my efforts in dieting, or so he says. But in the same breath he mentions that he could never do it himself because he enjoys food too much. Followed with a vague comment that he wants to get a gym membership "someday." This is coming from a poor chap who lost his father when he was a kid due to a heart attack. A heart attack, that if history completely repeated itself, could claim this guy in 3 years' time! I may not be the angelic vision of perfect health, but I don't think I would be helping my mission very much if he were an influence on my life.

Pair that with his educational inertness. He knows of my plans to work on more training to get back on track with my original career choice. As far as he has told me he never wants to go back to school and could never stand it. That would be fine if he had lucked into a great career (I guess?), but he himself admits to being in a flat job. Again, another poor influence if he were by my side...or perhaps I shouldn't so much say "poor influence" as complete lack of support and encouragement. It's as if he has no interest in bettering himself on any level.

And as a girl thinking way down the road; how would I even have kids with a guy like that? Someone who wouldn't really care how they eat or if they are active? Worse, someone who doesn't care if he lives to see them grow older. And someone who would be horrible at convincing the children that an education is worthwhile? Ay caramba.

He would like to see me again this weekend. So I've agreed and made plans. But part of the Leah revamp is I'm going to change my "duck and cover" maneuvers for deterring dates. He's a great guy -- for someone else -- so he deserves a grown-up-Leah turn down...as in face-to-face. Gah, wish me luck.

As a twist of the knife into my dating life Aidan sent me a photo of his latest progress. God, he looks fantastic! I'd say I'm so proud of him but I have nothing to do with his success so *shrugs.* And I believe he's also completing his undergraduate degree this year, too. Why oh why can't I have him?! :(

Tokidoki by Simone Legno
