I'd Still Say 'Yes'

I have a date lined up to meet someone new. So why do I feel sad somewhat? So things don't go as I have envisioned or wanted; this isn't something new. I don't know why I'm being so difficult when it comes to accepting that Aidan isn't looking for anything more.

SANDy is already back at 'em in the dating scene. She told me that other loved ones have suggested she sit back for a while to "find herself" and yadda yadda. I think if she's ready -- and it sounds like she is 'cuz she's got a great outlook on things -- then good for her. Personally, based on other observations I feel if she waits too long she'll just get jaded. She's found a young guy that she truly digs and by all accounts it sounds like he's keen on her, too. How did she do it so quickly? Some girls are just that lucky.

It was the strangest thing. I was watching an episode of Big Bang Theory and seeing Penny and Leonard interact made my hands all electrified. I haven't had that feeling in ages (I used to get it lots when I would read the sappy, "romantic" V.C. Andrews novels as a young'un.) In a nostalgic sort of way it felt nice; like reassurance I could still feel all romantic-ish. Unfortch, no guys I've ever gone out with have ever said or done anything to make my hands feel all buzzy like that. T'is tragic.

Anyway, the date was supposed to be this morning but he'd rather meet later and I can't (or is it "won't?" If I were feeling more excited about dating would I have made more of an effort to rearrange my schedule?) so we've postponed it until Tuesday. He seems like a really great guy so I feel uber bad about not being able to share in his enthusiasm. Hopefully I won't be a downer on the date!

Tokidoki by Simone Legno
