Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Augh, I can't do it anymore. Date #2 was exasperating. It's bad enough that I have had to make the decisions for both dates (If I want to always be the one planning the dates then I may as well stick around with Aidan.) but the guy -- I can't even think of a moniker for him -- and I have nothing in common except for the Calgary that's stretching things preeeeetty thin. Our points of view on the economy and business (can you even believe these words are coming out of my mouth?!) clash too much. It's a shame, really, 'cuz he's a very nice guy but the more he tried to make conversation or entertain me the more I felt frustrated and irritable. I really hope I did not let it show; that would have been beyond rude. However, other than playing mini-golf with me (which already made him feel uncomfortable, he said) his idea of a date was feeding the arcade games coin and watching me play...not even playing along with me! *sigh* I couldn't even bring up not wanting to see him anymore at the end of the night 'cuz it was all sorts of awkward. But I promise I won't ghost out! I'll try to give him a call next time he brings up the coming weekend but it's hard because he works the late shift and does not usually get up until I am home from work. Even if it's tacky and I have to have the convo via text messages it'll get done. Especially before next weekend.

But this whole weekend was not in vain! Saturday morning I steeled myself to go do laps at the pool at the ridiculous hour of 7:30 -- open lane swim is from 7:30 to 8:30 -- and by golly I did it! And I wasn't even sleepy or tired after. I did 24 laps; 600 metres. For an hour that's not very speedy, and truthfully I had quite a few long breathers in between laps...and a couple nasty calf cramps...but if I can improve on that by at least 2 laps/50 metres each time I go I think it'll be a fun and motivational way to keep up my activity.

A crazy aside: Aidan invited me to this social fitness site where I earn points for the exercises I do. They don't have a category for the aquafit classes I take so I just put swimming for 55 minutes (60 if I get to warm up with a couple of laps before the class) and using that generic category it gives me something like 460 points. When I plugged in the distance I actually swam on Saturday it only gave me 159 points or something crazy like that. Ah well, I realize the site is far from perfect but that was kind of a downer to see. Aidan, on the other hand, is doing ridiculously fabulous. I think he's at least 5 "levels" ahead of my profile by now.

Augh, I have to stop thinking of, and relating everything, to Aidan. It just makes me sad. :(

So after swimming I had a wonderful breakfast and got to do some grocery errands. Look at me being all productive on a Saturday, hehe. Baby sis and I even got to join up with Daisy and T-Girl for some ceramics painting. It was my first time doing so and Weird Kid's girlfriend gave us gift cards. It was pretty enjoyable. Maybe I'll post a photo of my turtle after it has been fired. Perhaps with paper crane #6?

Tokidoki by Simone Legno
