Who's Gonna Drive You Home?

My first origami crane in a long while; a bit sloppy but like I said I'm keen on actually completing 1000 paper cranes for once. Let's see if I finish this project.

My legs are sore from working out, it's definitely a satisfying soreness and I was expecting this but I hope I recoup faster and faster so I can keep up the momentum.

So I read the paper this morning and they talked about a man being charged with sexual assault. He offered a young woman a ride home from a downtown nightclub but instead of taking her home he drove her elsewhere, assaulted her, and then kicked her out of the car. They had just met that night. While I don't have all the details, obviously, there are just so many things I find wrong with this story.

Numero uno: where were her friends? I mean, who goes to the clubs alone? My friends and I always went together and (apparently a key detail that everyone ought to heed) we LEFT together. Are people really that slack with loved ones' safety nowadays?

Numero dos: so her friends ditched her or she decided to ditch her friends...who takes a ride from someone they just met?! Especially after meeting in the environs of a nightclub? I don't care if I just met a darling guy, and while it's true that I enjoy dancing the night away and there's a (slight) possibility that guys enjoy being there for the same reasons I would never leave with them. If they're such great guys why not try and meet each other another day? Day being key. For the record I've never met up with anyone from the clubs; what went on in the clubs stayed there. Even when I wasn't driving yet and I'd meet up with new guys I always texted friends with their license plates "just-in-case" (ie. U*V 49*) And I was always hesitant to let them drive me all the way home because I didn't want them knowing where I live. Why didn't she grab a taxi if she was alone? Why didn't she call a friend to come and get her?

By no means am I saying that this young lady was asking for trouble, but this could have been so easily avoided it truly upsets me. At least they caught him. And who takes advantage of situations like that? Was it premeditated? He must have thought he hit the jackpot when he found someone so trusting. If he were truly psycho I think he would have killed her to prevent her from telling anyone. Now that is uber scary.

Tokidoki by Simone Legno
