All Ready for Monday When It's Saturday

After working at the travel office I set out to grab the rest of what I needed (wanted?) for my work setup. Luckily I scoped out some websites for a corded phone that would meet my requirements. Almost of them were only available online; London Drugs had one available at my nearby store so I promptly purchased it for in-store pickup. And then over to the ReStore to hopefully find a decent deal on an office chair. $30 -- and it has some of those adjusting levers so it makes it more "ergonomic." Thank goodness it fit in my car. :P Even though I was fine with the price of the phone I just couldn't rest until I absolutely knew I exhausted all options. I took a look at the Buy & Sell and shockingly they had no phones. The WIN thrift store had one but it had a built-in answering machine and I could not be sure that it would not complicate the whole system so I passed and stuck with my initial purchase. Then I impulse bought the puzzle pieces tray set I saw at the Dollarama and a brown sugar pearl latte from Coco because I am completely addicted to those. When I got home Butch texted me from his parents house and said he forgot to tell me that I should also grab a long phone cable. Gahhhhh. I signed into my workstation just to make sure I could connect to the network and then decided to watch a couple episodes of Disney Fairy Tale Weddings before heading back out into the possibly-infected world. As I was driving through our neighborhood Butch was heading to our house. Apparently he even waved at me but I did not notice at all. He turned around and drove behind me all the way to the Walmart. I was still clueless. He even parked behind me and followed me into the store before I realized he was there. Man, I'd be so easy to kidnap! But it was great that he was there. We grabbed the phone cable and some extra groceries while we were out. Now his coworkers are going to be picking him up tomorrow morning instead of them all taking an afternoon flight out to site. It's going to be a long lonely week without him and I hope they stay safe and healthy. Us in Calgary, too, of course! It will be weird working from home. Mom was trying to encourage me to stay at their house a few nights -- I still might but now that I'm working from home it does not make as much sense. But spending time with family during these crazy times can would be very comforting. Plus, it would be nice to be with them for my birthday.
