Cranky Pants

Quite a few people were super cranky today -- I wonder if all the self-isolating is making everyone a little nutty. I spent a few hours at the travel office sorting out my clients some more and my colleague was over hearing about anything COVID-19. A stark contrast to Wednesday when I popped by and they were listening to the press conferences non-stop live-streaming it into the office. After I got my client's ticket reissued I went over to the parents' house to have fish and chips with the family and to get mom and baby sis' cable subscription renewed and repriced. Somehow while I was sitting in the living room after lunch mom and Weird Kid had a conversation between the two of them that he did not want to hear of any more. So he quickly departed, but he also had to go back to working from home. Then when I finished sorting out the cable (after a half hour nap waiting for a call back and then an additional 2.5 hour hold!) and mom checked their voicemail. She did not write down the phone number left in the voicemail and was relying on the caller ID. Tried to explain to her that the callback number in the message is different than what was on the caller ID but she was having none of that explanation and I got a swift "you should go home now." Finally got home to relax but Butch was in the garage with his buddy -- lots of car work going on. I decided to start setting up my little work station in our cafe but found out he had already set up most of it for me. So then I grabbed my puzzle to work on it in the family room while I taught Daisy how to tele-conference on Google Hangouts. I saw on the news that they're thinking a month of self-isolation is not going to be enough. I absolutely believe it and it looks like most companies and most of us living day to day already had an inkling that was going to be the situation. I can't wait till we can all get together again. It's so crazy out there.
