Love Blooms

It’s a sign of Spring, perhaps? It’s a miracle of love?

Everyone knows I have a horrible green thumb, but I can’t help but take flowers/plants/herbs home just to slowly watch them deteriorate under my incompetent care. But wouldn’t you know the orchid I bought at IKEA last year is starting to bloom again?! With a lot of loving help from Butch, mind you. Seeing the two buds start to open up makes me happy-cry though. Dad’s birthday is in a few days and he has always been the orchid-whisperer in the family. My corsages for my debut and my high school graduation came from daddy’s plants. The current timing could not be more serendipitous.

Sitting beside the orchid pot is an aloe vera plant from Daisy‘s dad; another parent we lost last year. The aloe vera is growing pretty wild, too.  It’s kind of poetic having the two “dad plants” side by side in my dining room. I get comfort glancing over to them at breakfast and dinner.
