That Wasn't So Bad

20 minutes left in my birthday. I survived. I worked the early shift today and yeah, the early start made it a little brutal to get out of bed. The bonus of telecommuting at least is that it buys me an extra hour of sleep. Some of my calls were pretty long but it was satisfying to be able to help them all. One lady actually had the same birthday as me! I wished her a happy birthday but she said after you hit (a certain age past mine) it just becomes another day. Maybe this is the start of that sort of feeling for me? Thankfully I was able to make it to my parents house so that my baby sister, mom, and I could all get in on the FaceTime date with my grandma. I did not factor in her routine when I made the appointment and so she actually spoke with us while she was in bed as they woke her from her nap. XP The smile on her face when she us though...I'm sure she thought it was worth the wakeup call. Mercifully she did not ask when we were going to see her again, and even though I kept explaining that we will see her as soon as they permit us I don't think it really registered in her mind why we were apart. Or maybe she was just groggy from waking up. She did tear up a little (from happiness, at least) which of course got me started. Thank goodness my sister was there to commandeer the screen for a bit. It felt really good to connect with her, and the aide gave us some ideas on how to connect with her some more plus i was able to start a connection between her and my mom so they can hopefully plan more dates even if I have to work. Weird Kid came to join us for dinner. Unfortunately his girlfriend is feeling not so great so she's being cautious and staying away for some time. Her job is so hard I cannot imagine what each day is like right now, though I'm sure she gets a lot of satisfaction helping everyone as much as she can. I thought I would make it simple and just have Popeyes for dinner. Turns out when Weird Kid went to get some they only had spicy available for the next 20 minutes so I then switched to KFC (I can never think of "great" options on the fly, but I also did not want to have him driving around the city looking for something open or available) It was just a quiet little dinner with mom and my siblings. But that's what life looks like right now. Butch and I got to chat a bit after I got home. He's still working, a much longer day than what was scheduled. It's crazy. I hope he gets to rest very well after all of this. It's already a lot of work to begin with and then the fact that they continued on with the plans given the global situation...very challenging. I miss him so much; I wish them working super long today meant they'd be coming home sooner *fingers crossed* Tomorrow I get to teleconference with Daisy as she learns to navigate the software for work. It should be interesting and I joked that maybe it's her turn to teach me something techie! And with that I have 3 minutes left in my birthday. i probably stayed up later than I should. I felt dad's absence a lot today -- and maybe it was my fault since I let it come to mind so often throughout the day. But overall I survived. I offered to take mom and baby sister to the cemetery after I finish work on Saturday because we have to reclaim the wreath decorating his plot before the first of April. It was up for such a short time but I'm glad we got it in time for his birthday. Mom's disappointed in the quality of the wreath but we have so many months to embellish it and make it our own before we bring it back in November.
