Work From Home? Not Really

So last night while we were having dad's birthday dinner my team leader called my cell to let me know that they were going to do a rotational schedule: 50% on 50% off. Today was my turn to be out of the office...and if I did not hear from him tonight that I should report to work tomorrow. So I guess I'm on tomorrow! Instead of staying at home, though, I decided to pop into my travel office and try to get my client's ticket sorted instead of waiting till I was in on Saturday. Saturday is two days away from their scheduled departure and obviously the world has been flipped upside down so that is not happening. Self-isolation is also a thing at the travel office; they have recently started locking the door. No walk-ins unless we have set an appointment with them and EVERYTHING is Lysoled after they leave. The crazy thing is I spent almost the whole day with the girls in the office and I STILL did not get through the wholesaler to sort my client's ticket out. I even left them my cell phone in case they got to my request later in the evening. I have not heard anything from them yet. My colleagues said they would get it done for me if the wholesaler phones tomorrow (*fingers crossed that they do*) My coworkers are truly heroes, all the travel agents I know are superstars right now. One by one they are all starting to rest easy as the last of their clients in destination get their tickets and land back home. Never mind future travel; we have to get the current travelers home safe first. The cool thing about tomorrow being my turn in the office at my other job is that it means I will have Friday off -- so long as this current COVID-19 policy holds up. But things are so fluid right now who really knows what work is going to look like days from now, for either job! And regarding fluid policies I just read that the Alberta Health Services implemented a policy in the hospitals where each patient is only allowed one visitor at a time, and no children visitors. It must be hard for patients not to see their kids but it's imperative for the health of both of them. At the same time I wish grandma's nursing home would relax their policy a bit to at least mirror that of the hospitals. I am still having a hard time thinking of grandma sitting there without any friends or family coming by, especially since she keeps to herself among the other residents. Daisy and her little girl reached out via text and recorded messages. It's been a while since we've had our usual Friday together because of previous plans. I asked if they wanted to come over this Friday but Daisy asked if we could just talk on the phone instead. She apologized for being paranoid. I don't think she needs to be paranoid -- we have a lot of loved ones and ourselves to protect. Phone is just fine. Updates from China kind of point to self-isolation being a good idea...that it works and if we all just do our part we will all recover and reduce the time we all have to keep apart. The world, not to sound like a hippie, also seems to be healing at the same time. I saw videos from Venice, Italy where the water in the canals are all crystal clear and you can see it teeming with fish! Cities in China are reporting heavily reduced smog. More and more this is feeling like a reset. I hope we all learn from it and that our economies can handle the tough times on the path to recovery.
