Another Manic Monday

 Another Monday where I work the late shift = another Monday I was able to get al my habit tracker check-boxes ticked off before starting work.

I even (finally) put the thawed shrimp in the fridge to good use. We have some italian shrimp spaghetti (squash) which should serve us well for two meals. Since my dinner break is only half an hour Butch has been a doll and arranged our meal on Mondays so I have it all ready for scarfing as soon as I go up the stairs.

I had to chuckle to myself on the weekend. Butch and I were talking and I was quite proud of my keto efforts so far...telling him I wouldn't mind having similar meals peppered into our weeks after Lent is over because it has been manageable and I don't go hungry. Turns out I should slow my roll a bit...Lent is only two weeks in! Ah well, all I can say is it's going well.

This morning as I prayed the rosary thoughts of dad again came flooding back. His birthday is 9 days away, he would have been 71.  Luckily I'm taking the day off and we'll go to church to celebrate his day and go visit his grave. My sister also needs some lab work done before her surgery so we'll have to do that on the same day.
