On Ice

So we finally got a warning about the ice on our sidewalk. Serves us right. Butch had to tend to his mom's car in the garage so after I finished work and my walk on the treadmill I made use of the time alone and tried to chip away at the ice. I made some satisfying holes but I don't think I got to even a quarter of what needs to be done...maybe not even a fifth. So we sprinkled more salt all over the place and I hoped we'd get it done tomorrow easy peasy.  Only I guess the warning states we have to have pavement showing the whole way through by 4:17pm tomorrow.  How are we going to manage that when both of us are working? I guess hopefully enough melted these past couple of hours that I can try to (quietly) get more of it off the concrete tonight.

Needless to say I did not manage to do a workout video tonight, I'm way too sore for that. In a way I would say it counts in lieu of the video but if I'm going by the exact words I wrote in my habit tracker -- unless I was following a youtube video where someone was scraping ice off the sidewalk -- then I have not checked that off my list tonight. Maybe I'll be able to make it up in the coming days. 
