Tingling Sensation

 The tingling I get every time my finger touches something by accident is so unsettling I refuse to type with it anymore until things get more under control.

When Butch changed the bandage last night I let out a tiny yelp, we think he pulled off some of the scab by accident and the new bandaid held more blood...it must have stopped at some point but I can't tell how long it took. We'll have to use more polysporin to avoid any more sticking to the bandage.

2 more days until my birthday and I'm in too much of a funk to get excited about it. It's a Friday so I can't have meat, I'm doing the keto and committed to sticking to it for the homestretch, can't celebrate with my family and friends and I miss my dad fiercely. I don't even feel safe enjoying my birthday Starbucks at the shop...I'll have to drink it in my car unless I want to sit at the park by myself. Have to take my sister to the hospital for some pre-surgery procedures so at least I'll get to see her and mom at least briefly. I heard about konjac yam noodles so maybe I can pick some up and make birthday noodles out of them. There's also a bakery that has a keto peanut butter cheesecake that maybe I could try. But honestly I'm so not jazzed about it that I can seriously wait the extra week. My mom seems to want cheesecake more than I do at the moment.

Tonight for dinner I made TikTok pasta with spaghetti squash and lemon pepper basa fillet. It was delicious. This also means that I don't have spaghetti squash for Friday.
